This document

GriefSick is a Substack publication that explores and bears witness to chronic illness grief.

In this document:

If you have questions or feedback for me, please email me at [email protected].

How to collaborate with GriefSick

  1. Create an illustration/ artwork
  2. Be interviewed by me, see previous interviews here
  3. A more in-depth partnership, where we create something together, for example, this zine with Navigating the Wilderness

The collaboration submission form is here.

Read more about Substack here.


If you'd like to illustrate an edition of GriefSick, in terms of compensation or exchange, I offer an honorarium of £100 (in future, I hope to be able to offer full compensation of £200, but that's a ways off yet), or a different exchange that feels fair to you. For example, I could donate to a charity of your choice, buy you some books on your wishlist, or offer you a free coaching session (valued at £100). Or something else! I prefer to collaboratively design what fairness and value looks like with each person, in the context of our relationship, rather than having a fixed rule for everyone.